The Jett Plasma Lift Medical is designed to remove excess skin around the eyes, whether it is only bottom or upper eyelid or both.
The Jett Plasma Lift is the next generation technology for skin tightening and stimulating collagen production. It enables the skin to produce a significant amount of collagen tightening and production, especially in those areas where previously we were not able to offer effective non-surgical treatment. Jett Plasma Lift Medical is a medical device that uses the physical principle of the succession of the sparkle discharge generated by D.C.
It is also used to treat skin, spot small bleeding, removal of small wart, haemangiomas mesenchyme tumors of veins and undesirable skin’s structures, venecatasia, melisma, fibroma and keratosis. This device is intended for surgical treatments mentioned above. It is a medical device intended for repeatable use and it is introduced to the market in a non-sterile state. The aims of the use are corrections/removal of skin’s structures by the use of sparkle discharges generated by D.C current.
The Doctor treats the area with local anesthetic prior to the treatment. Heat is experienced from the spark created but it is very tolerable. The heat with stimulate collagen induction production and the subsequent rejuvenating effect. As a result of the electric voltage, a cascade of physiological processes occur which result in the cell membranes tightening. When the majority of cells in the treatment area tighten up, it is visible to the naked eye.
Some of the aforementioned effects/indications are not of clinical character – they are cosmetic flaws. The Jett Plasma can be used on any part of the skin, but the exciting part is that it can be used on the area around the eyes, especially the sagging upper eyelid. The indications stated below are specified as indications included in the field of cosmetics/not included in the compliance assessment process: Skin tags, tiny stem excrescences, Dilated vessels, Spider Vein, Stretch Marks, Age Spots
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